£25.00 GBP

Earth Alchemy

Clarity Call with Jeni Be

This planet is beautifulare you?

April 15th, 17:00 CET  |  Find Your Local Time Here 


What you'll get:

  • 1 x Clarity Call via Zoom
  • Recordings

Important information:

  • By signing up for this class, you are agreeing to receive emails from Jeni Be.  You can unsubscribe at any time, but please note, that all class details and recordings are sent by email, so please do not do this before receiving the information you require to attend this class.
  • When signing up for your first-ever class with Jeni Be on this system, an account and password will be generated.  The recordings for this class, however, are NOT stored in this account.  Please read your class email for a link to the recordings folder.
  • *VAT Registration Number: 391 5207 96* for UK only