No matter what is going on in your life, you know!
Is it time to energetically explore that you know, so you can choose and change?
A Symphony Session allows you to begin the journey of accessing what is right for you and your body, beyond what you've bought as real in this reality.
It begins to create the space for the awareness that whatever reality one is currently living is not the only possible reality they can choose.
The sessions get to the space of change without words, melting limitations or blocks you previously held.
A Symphony Session invites you to LIVING in a completely different way.
*Symphony Sessions are based on Access Consciousness tools and the energetic transformation work created by Dr. Dain Heer. Jeni is a highly sought after, certified Advanced Symphony Practitioner and Maestro. She has a joy and play with these sessions, that open up an energetic melt around any topic .
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